Thursday, 30 July 2015

Choosing Best Vibratory Plow for Underground Sprinkler System

A sprinkler system is a must-have to maintain lush green garden in every season. It can be a large effort to install an underground sprinkler system. However it can be made much easier by purchasing a vibratory plow for the installation of an underground sprinkler system. This blog will explain you how to install a sprinkler system in the ground in a hassle-free way.

In the market, you will find many brands of trenching machines. And all brands claim to offer easy plowing. However, it is not true. Only a few brands can help you install effective sprinkler system without any problem. These days, pipe pulling has become a popular method of sprinkler pipe installation all around. You may find initial investment higher in pipe pulling method, but it offers many benefits. Some of the main benefits offered by pipe pulling with L2 Line Layer are mentioned below:
  • With L2 Line Layer, you can install pipe at a rate of 60’ per minute with no backfilling required. So, it increases productivity.
  • L2 Line Layer doesn’t require backfilling, less labor is required. This saves time and money too.
  • L2 Line Layer only makes a slit in the ground, making it easy for restoration that includes nothing more than running the machine over the cut in the ground. 
  • L2 Line Layer doesn’t have massive exposed digging chain, which reduces the chances of injuries during sprinkler pipe installation.

Taking aforesaid benefits into account, L2 Line Layer is the best vibratory plow for the installation of underground sprinkler system.